We are encouraged that the IRS is taking action in response to the fraudulent practice of “back-dating” of stock options. Potential whistleblowers may wish to see the IRS’ description of its program to deal with an aspect of this problem.

Here is an excerpt from the IRS’ announcement of how it is permitting employers to “step forward” and pay a penalty, and a related IRS Release can be read here:

(From IRS Release:)

IRS Offers Opportunity for Employers to Satisfy Tax Obligations of Rank-and-File Employees with ‘Backdated’ Stock Options

IR-2007-30, Feb. 8, 2006
WASHINGTON – Internal Revenue Service officials today announced an initiative aimed at providing relief for rank-and-file employees affected by their companies’ issuance of backdated and other mispriced stock options. While the program will be available to help these employees who may be unaware that they held backdated options, the opportunity will not be available for backdated options exercised by most corporate executives or other insiders.

If an employee exercised a ‘backdated’ stock option in 2006, the employee may owe an additional 20-percent tax, plus an interest tax, under the Federal tax laws governing deferred compensation. If the option had been properly priced, the employee normally would only have owed income tax on the difference between the value at the date of grant and exercise.
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Taxpayers every day lose money because of fraud against their government. Current examples include government contracting fraud in Iraq, procurement fraud regarding the efforts of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and Hurricane Katrina and numerous false claim schemes under both the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Those who are bent of fraud are usually clever and devious. This is the very reason why President Abraham Lincoln enacted the False Claims Act during the American Civil War in 1863.

During the Civil War, as today, there were greedy contractors bent on defrauding the government at taxpayer’s expense. At President Lincoln’s request, the False Claims Act was enacted into law and was specifically directed at an effort to “root out fraud against the government. . .[a]nd to encourage individuals who are aware of fraud being perpetrated against the government to bring information forward.” Thus, “Lincoln’s law,” the False Claims Act, has literally been on the books for over 140 years.

The False Claims Act as sponsored by President Lincoln was designed to help the government stop procurement fraud during the Civil War. Congress intended that the False Claims Act would encourage private citizens to file cases in the name of the United States to recover damages when false and fraudulent claims were submitted to the government. These lawsuits, oftentimes called Whistleblower or Qui Tam cases, provide a way for private citizens to share in the recovery of damages recovered. The term “Qui Tam” described the procedure well and derives from a Latin phrase which means “Who pursues the action on our Lord the King’s behalf as well as his own.”

As former federal prosecutors, it is always of interest to us to read about grand jury indictments involving fraud schemes. We have presented many such indictments to grand juries ourselves and know how the system works. On Tuesday of this week, a grand jury in Washington, D.C., returned an indictment against three Army Reserve Officers and two civilians based on allegations that they steered more than $8.6 million dollars in Iraqi reconstruction funds to a contractor in exchange for a variety of kickbacks and other inducements. The 25 count indictment, which includes charges of conspiracy and money laundering, is obviously the “Tip of the Iceberg” because the amount of money at issue in this particular scheme ($8.6 million) is insignificant when it comes to the billions of dollars that are still unaccounted for according to the Special Inspector General’s Office responsible for the oversight of the expenditure of government monies in Iraq.

The Department of Justice has always tried to publicize indictments in specific areas because of the “deterrent affect” it might have relative to others. Here, however, the proverbial horse is already out of the barn and there is not going to be much deterrence with respect to the billions already spent and unaccounted for (typically in no bid contracts). Hopefully, this indictment is a sign of things to come in terms of holding accountable those who would defraud their own government when it comes to schemes of this nature.

We continue to believe that Whistleblowers and Qui Tam lawsuits are the best deterrent there is for schemes of this nature. When you hit someone’s pocketbook, particularly companies who enrich themselves at taxpayers’ expense, with the treble damages and attorney’s fees and other remedies available under the False Claims Act, this truly does have a deterrent effect on others. Indictments, of course, are necessary in order to prosecute the guilty but with respect to the ill-gotten gain, indictments are not the best vehicle for getting taxpayer money back. While the government presumably will proceed in this case with forfeiture actions because of the money laundering charges, nonetheless, whistleblower suits are still the government’s most effective tool at combating fraud and waste.

We saw more good news when the IRS announced the first director of the new IRS Whistleblower Office–Stephen A. Whitlock. Mr. Whitlock was formerly in charge of the Office of Professional Responsibility. He also had led anti-fraud and abuse programs at the Defense Department.

The IRS’s press release is reprinted here:

IRS Begins Work on Whistleblower Office; Whitlock Named First Director

IR-2007-25, Feb. 2, 2007
WASHINGTON – The Internal Revenue Service today named Stephen A. Whitlock as director of its new Whistleblower Office, where he will be responsible for administering the program designed to receive information that helps uncover tax cheating and to provide appropriate rewards to whistleblowers.

“This is an important new office at the IRS, and Steve brings a strong background in ethics and tax issues to help get this program off to a good start,” said IRS Commissioner Mark W. Everson. “Under Steve’s leadership, we will meet expectations from Sen. Grassley and other supporters to run a robust program.”
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According to a recent report issued by the Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services, State enforcement results regarding Medicaid fraud cases have been disappointing. Virtually every state in the country has a State Medicaid Fraud Control Unit whose principle job is to uncover and detect fraud and to prosecute the offenders. Such units are also tasked with the responsibility of attempting to recover monies fraudulently obtained from the Medicaid program. Because Medicaid is approximately twenty (20%) percent of the total federal budget and involves staggering amounts of money, one would hope that State Medicaid Fraud Control Units (MFCUS) were aggressive in their efforts at addressing this problem. Unfortunately, the HHS Inspector General, Daniel Levenson, studied the efficacy of state enforcement efforts through state MFCUs and found that on average, only twelve (12) cases per year were even referred to the State Medicaid Fraud Control Units by their State Medicaid Agencies.

According to the Inspector General’s report, twenty-six (26) Fraud Control Units said that in the last year of the study (which was conducted from July, 2002 through June, 2005) they received less than twelve (12) referrals each year from State Medicaid Agencies averaging therefore less than one referral per month. Thus, over half (½) of the states in this country report less than one case per month being referred to the State Medicaid Fraud Control Unit for investigation concerning fraud.

The report of the Inspector General clearly establishes the need for the passage of State False Claims Acts. Like the Department of Justice, the government itself is poorly equipped to deal with undetected fraud when it comes to Medicare and Medicaid in general. The Department of Justice has recognized that the most important enforcement tool it has to root out fraud is the Federal False Claims Act which encourages whistleblowers /informants to come forward. Because the states themselves have such a poor track record in uncovering fraud and referring cases for investigation, it is clear that each state in this country needs its own State False Claims Act to encourage the reporting of fraudulent claims submitted to Medicaid by whistleblowers. The more encouragement for such reports by whistleblowers the more likely it is that fraud will be detected and addressed.

We saw yesterday’s quarterly audit report on Iraq fraud, published by the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR), Stuart Bowen Jr. The message is sobering:

“The security situation in Iraq continues to deteriorate, hindering progress in all reconstruction sectors and threatening the overall reconstruction effort,” in the words of the Inspector General.

We all have already seen reports of how the United States is being exploited by dishonest and incompetent contractors in Iraq. This IG Report discusses not only poor security, but also corruption among Iraqi officials and bad management of the contracts.

We saw another significant whistleblower case against a drug company hit the news wire this week.

The government announced that it was joining a qui tam lawsuit under the False Claims Act against the company Boehringer Ingelheim Roxane, Inc. The Complaint alleges overcharging on pharmaceutical products.

In joining this lawsuit, the United States has alleged that the drug company engaged in a “scheme to report fraudulent and inflated prices for several pharmaceutical products, knowing that federal health care programs established reimbursement rates based on those reported prices.”

We have reprinted the government’s announcement of why it is joining this qui tam whistleblower lawsuit below (from the U.S. Department of Justice press release):

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We have been working with the IRS to bring information about large tax cheating to the IRS’s attention, so that clients can participate in the new IRS Whistleblower rewards. The IRS officials sound excited to have this new tool at their disposal, and we are happy to help our whistleblower clients obtain the new rewards. Our latest one deals with fraud in the Hurricane Katrina relief effort, where the public and government have been cheated out of what appears to be many millions of dollars.

We find it especially exciting when a qui tam whistleblower client also has information that qualifies the client to participate in the new IRS whistleblower rewards. This new IRS law enacted in late December 2006 provides for rewards to the whistleblower of 15 to 30% of the government’s recovery of taxes, interest, and penalties when income has been under-reported or underpaid.

You might be interested to know that the new IRS whistleblower program is different than the qui tam provisions of the False Claims Act, the main tool the government has had to date for combating fraud. The IRS whistleblower program permits payments of up to 10% of the government’s recovery, even when the whistleblower is not an “original source” of the information.

We all remember how Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita left the Gulf Coast devastated. As government agencies began to provide disaster relief with public dollars, dishonest contractors saw a huge opportunity for fraud against the government. Too many FEMA contracts have been the targets of dishonest contractors.

The “watchdogs” of the federal government agencies–the various Inspectors General of the many agencies involved in Katrina relief–have combined their efforts and sent hundreds of auditors to the Gulf region to examine fraud and mismanagement of Katrina contracts. The Inspectors General website on Hurricane Katrina fraud describes these efforts.

We learn more about Hurricane Katrina fraud each time we are contacted by a potential whistleblower client who has something new to report. Many whistleblowers have acted to help the government stop this fraud by filing qui tam lawsuits under the False Claims Act, which can provide the whistleblower a share of the government’s recovery of money damages and penalties, as well as attorney’s fees and expenses.

We hear from many lawyers and clients that they are not aware of the new IRS Whistleblower Rewards Program. The new provisions took effect on December 20, 2006, and yet so far they are locate on the web.

We hope it is helpful to you to find the new IRS Whistleblower Rewards amendments here, in the amended version of the statute:

26 U.S.C. § 7623.

(a) In general.–The Secretary, under regulations prescribed by the Secretary, is authorized to pay such sums as he deems necessary for–

(1) detecting underpayments of tax, or
(2) detecting and bringing to trial and punishment persons guilty of violating the internal revenue laws or conniving at the same,

in cases where such expenses are not otherwise provided for by law. Any amount payable under the preceding sentence shall be paid from the proceeds of amounts collected by reason of the information provided, and any amount so collected shall be available for such payments.
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