Articles Posted in False Claims Act

Will Wall Street Bailout Produce the Next Round of Whistleblowers Reporting Fraud?

The U.S. Department of Justice this week announced its FY 2008 recoveries in fraud and False Claims Act cases, with more than $1 billion in health care fraud recoveries alone, and a total of more than $1.3 billion. (As explained below, we believe the $1.3 billion figure is low and understates the actual fraud recoveries this year.)

Cases brought by “relators” or whistleblowers under the nation’s primary whistleblower statute, the False Claims Act, accounted for 78% of the money recovered. Since the False Claims Act took its current form in 1986, this law has recovered more than $21 billion of taxpayer funds from those who defraud the government.

As health care costs have grown as a percentage of the federal budget, so have recoveries for health care fraud. Recoveries of federal dollars were made because of fraud not only in Medicare and Medicaid, but also other federal programs such as Tricare and the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.

The largest recoveries were from pharmaceutical companies–Cephalon Inc., Merck & Co. and CVS Caremark Corp. paid more than $640 million. Pharmaceutical fraud cases also repaid $430 million to state Medicaid programs.

DOJ also cited recoveries in cases of fraud affecting defense procurement contracts, disaster assistance loans and agricultural subsidies.

The actual recoveries were greater if you compare DOJ’s announcements of its settlements, as well as include dollars recovered under the various State False Claims Acts. (We have written extensively about why states are enacting their own State False Claims Acts to mirror the federal False Claims Act, given the federal law’s successes.)

With whistleblowers reporting fraud infecting in the Wall Street bailout funds (because no federal program is immune), it will be interesting to see how these billions of federal dollars show up in future statistics of fraud recoveries.

We have reprinted below DOJ’s “fact sheet” about its FY 2008 significant recoveries. We congratulate Justice on another very successful year in fighting fraud and false claims.
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In our former life as lawyers defending False Claims Act cases, our defendant clients had to consider whether the payments made to settle qui tam cases under the False Claims Act were deductible for tax purposes, and to what extent.

The IRS recently issued a paper on the subject: whether a defendant’s payment to the Department of Justice to resolve False Claims Act allegations is “deductible in its entirety as a section 162(a) ordinary and necessary business expense, or includes non-deductible penalty amounts under section 162(f).”

This paper, LMSB-4-0908-045, is reproduced below:
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Will the IRS Whistleblower Program and the False Claims Act be powerful weapons in redressing the fraud and abuse that led to the current financial crisis–and to the future fraud and abuse that is certain to target the “bailout” billions of taxpayer funds?

Fraud and abuse have never been in short supply. The ongoing financial crisis points to staggering amounts of past financial abuses that now threaten to wipe out Americans’ savings, if not undermine the world economy.

Now, the federal government’s stated plans to spend hundreds of billions of taxpayer funds for the “bailout”–largely because of the lack of past oversight–will create countless opportunities for more fraud against the taxpayers.

The Medicare program depends on the integrity of “trusted contractors” to process and pay Medicare claims. This past week, one of those “trusted contractors” operating in New Jersey, BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee, agreed to pay the federal government $2.1 million to resolve allegations that it violated the False Claims Act.

BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee operated as the primary Medicare Part A Fiscal Intermediary for New Jersey, under the name “Riverbend Government Benefit Administrators.”

The government had alleged that BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee “failed to adjust the cost-to-charge ratios for many New Jersey hospitals in a timely manner between 2000 and 2002 that resulted in the payment of excessive ‘outlier payments’ by Medicare program to those medical facilities.” The “outlier payments” are supplemental reimbursements to hospitals in situations when the cost of care is unusually high, which are paid “to ensure that hospitals possess the incentive to treat inpatients whose care requires unusually high costs,” as described in the government’s announcement.

The wave of new State False Claims Acts has generated a flurry of letters from the Office of Inspector General of HHS this past week. OIG has now “approved” the new State False Claims Acts of California, Georgia, Indiana, and Rhode Island, but has “disapproved” those of six other states: Florida, Louisiana, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Mexico, and Oklahoma.

As this whistleblower lawyer blog has written about extensively, Congress has created financial incentives for states to enact their own versions of the highly successful qui tam whistleblower law, the False Claims Act, which is the government’s primary tool for combating fraud directed at taxpayer funds.

Under the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, each state that has a False Claims Act that is at least as effective in facilitating and rewarding qui tam actions as the Federal False Claims Act in protecting state Medicaid funds is entitled to a greater share of fraud recoveries from those actions.

At the annual “Continuing Judicial Education” conference in St. Simon’s Island, Georgia this week, I was honored to be invited to speak to the assembled judges about the new state False Claims Act in Georgia, the State False Medicaid Claims Act.

As this whistleblower lawyer blog has written about extensively, there is a wave of new state False Claims Acts across the country, as Congress has urged states to replicate the dramatic successes of the federal False Claims Act in stopping those who steal taxpayer funds.

In 2007 and 2008 to date, Georgia, New York, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin have joined the 16 other states that have enacted some version of the False Claims Act.

Having lunch this week with a public servant who investigates heath care fraud, I was struck once again by his descriptions of abuses that nursing home residents too often suffer, many of which our whistleblower attorneys had also encountered in past cases.

It is damnable enough to steal federal and state taxpayer funds that are supposed to pay for care of our elderly through Medicare and Medicaid. It is another level of depravity to ignore our elder citizens’ medical needs–and even to steal from patient accounts–for personal gain.

The Attorney General of Massachusetts this past week announced that two such persons–brothers who operated nursing homes–have pleaded guilty to charges based on stealing funds and neglecting nursing home patients.

The government’s announcement this week of a $60 million Medicare fraud settlement with a Missouri hospital system is yet another example of the need for ongoing deterrence of health care fraud.

According to the government, Lester E. Cox Medical Systems violated the False Claims Act, the nation’s primary tool for combating fraud against taxpayer funds. Dating back to 1995 and continuing to recent years, Cox allegedly committed various unlawful acts, including submitting fraudulent cost reports to obtain Medicare funds, entering into illegal arrangements with doctors that violated the Stark Law and the Anti-Kickback Statute, and other misconduct.

Cox reportedly will pay $35 million immediately, with five annual payments of $5 million (plus interest) to follow. Cox also has entered into a “comprehensive” Corporate Integrity Agreement with the Office of Inspector General of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, designed to cause compliance with federal requirements for receiving federal dollars.

The False Claims Act provides awards of 15 to 30 percent of judgments and settlements against those individuals and companies that perpetrate schemes to defraud the federal government. In the event a whistleblower files a lawsuit in the name of the United States, “blows the whistle” on the fraud scheme and a financial recovery results, the whistleblower is entitled to a percentage of the recovery. Those cheating the government pay these rewards. Not one dime comes from taxpayers. The reason for this is that the False Claims Act imposes treble damages against the wrongdoer(s) so that not only can the government can be made whole from the fraud and recover all costs of the whistleblower’s awards but also recover the cost of the investigation and prosecution and lost interest on the money.

More than 80% of False Claims Acts which are pursued by the United States Department of Justice are initiated by whistleblowers. The federal government has never had a good record of investigating fraud on its own, especially in complex and technical areas like healthcare and defense procurement where specialized knowledge is required to uncover sophisticated and concealed schemes to defraud, price gouging, shotty goods and services, etc. In the history of the United States, no law has worked better to safeguard taxpayer money against fraud than the False Claims Act. False Claims Acts judgments and settlements have totaled over $14 billion since 1986. In the healthcare arena alone, the federal government is recovering $13.00 for every dollar spent in investigations, prosecutions and whistleblower awards. In addition to these direct recoveries, obviously, false claims prosecutions deter other companies and individuals from similar acts of fraud.

The reason the False Claims Act works so well is that informants/whistleblowers with special knowledge of frauds, often corporate insiders, are given incentives to blow the whistle and bring to justice corporations that are stealing monies from the American taxpayer. Whistleblowers that come forward often risk their careers. They are routinely ostracized. Many times they are retaliated against for blowing the whistle on wrongdoing. Thus, it is only just that the whistleblower should be rewarded for taking these risks and exposing fraud for the betterment of all taxpayers.

“What motivates whistleblowers” is a question that our whistleblower attorneys are asked frequently. Basic honesty and integrity–trying to do the right thing–is what we see most.

It is deeply satisfying when a whistleblower’s courage in insisting on honesty and integrity is recognized and applauded. I just received this note that was sent to a client who had “taken a stand” for honesty and integrity in handling federal grant funds at an educational institution, and I am reprinting portions here. Its truth and eloquence speak for themselves:

You don’t know me, but we share a couple of things in common. I worked in the [same institution] from late 2002 to early 2004. . . .

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