
Whistleblower Lawyer Blog


Potential Whistleblowers: IRS Offers Program for Employers “Back-Dating” Stock Options

We are encouraged that the IRS is taking action in response to the fraudulent practice of “back-dating” of stock options. Potential whistleblowers may wish to see the IRS’ description of its program to deal with an aspect of this problem. Here is an excerpt from the IRS’ announcement of how…


Lincoln’s Law and Whistleblower Claims

Taxpayers every day lose money because of fraud against their government. Current examples include government contracting fraud in Iraq, procurement fraud regarding the efforts of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and Hurricane Katrina and numerous false claim schemes under both the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Those who are bent of…


New IRS Whistleblower Office Has First Director

We saw more good news when the IRS announced the first director of the new IRS Whistleblower Office–Stephen A. Whitlock. Mr. Whitlock was formerly in charge of the Office of Professional Responsibility. He also had led anti-fraud and abuse programs at the Defense Department. The IRS’s press release is reprinted…


State Enforcement Efforts Disappointing In Combatting Medicaid Fraud

According to a recent report issued by the Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services, State enforcement results regarding Medicaid fraud cases have been disappointing. Virtually every state in the country has a State Medicaid Fraud Control Unit whose principle job is to uncover and detect fraud…


Latest IRAQ FRAUD Report by Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction

We saw yesterday’s quarterly audit report on Iraq fraud, published by the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR), Stuart Bowen Jr. The message is sobering: “The security situation in Iraq continues to deteriorate, hindering progress in all reconstruction sectors and threatening the overall reconstruction effort,” in the words of…


Government Joins Whistleblower Case Against Pharmaceutical Firm for Overcharging on Generic Drugs

We saw another significant whistleblower case against a drug company hit the news wire this week. The government announced that it was joining a qui tam lawsuit under the False Claims Act against the company Boehringer Ingelheim Roxane, Inc. The Complaint alleges overcharging on pharmaceutical products. In joining this lawsuit,…


Progress with the New IRS Rewards Program for Tax Whistleblower Cases

We have been working with the IRS to bring information about large tax cheating to the IRS’s attention, so that clients can participate in the new IRS Whistleblower rewards. The IRS officials sound excited to have this new tool at their disposal, and we are happy to help our whistleblower…


Hurricane Katrina Fraud: The Government’s Inspectors General Continue to Investigate Fraud and Whistleblower Reports

We all remember how Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita left the Gulf Coast devastated. As government agencies began to provide disaster relief with public dollars, dishonest contractors saw a huge opportunity for fraud against the government. Too many FEMA contracts have been the targets of dishonest contractors. The “watchdogs” of…

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