
Oklahoma Joins Nationwide Movement of States That Are Passing False Claims Acts with Qui Tam Whistlblower Provisions

We are pleased to see yet another state–Oklahoma–realize how effective qui tam whistleblower laws are by passing a state False Claims Act this week.

The Oklahoma legislature has passed the Oklahoma Medicaid False Claims Act (SB 889). The bill’s primary author was Cox Crain.

The new whistleblower law appears to be modelled on the federal False Claims Act. As we have written about often on this whistleblower lawyer blog, states that pass such laws with qui tam whistleblower provisions that are at least as effective as the federal False Claims Act qualify for a 10 point increase in the state’s share of Medicaid fraud recoveries.

This incentive created by Congress in the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 makes it even more desirable for states to have their own whistleblower laws–a true no-brainer! Congratulations to Oklahoma..

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