
Articles Posted in Recent Developments


New State False Claims Act Trend Is Evaluated at Southeastern Health Care Fraud Conference in Atlanta

Yesterday I enjoyed leading a panel discussion of the new State False Claims Acts, at the Southeastern Health Care Fraud Conference in Atlanta. Of particular interest to this audience was the new Georgia State False Medicaid Claims Act that became law in May 2007, which has qui tam whistleblower provisions…


Confidentiality of IRS Tax Whistleblowers or Informants–Federal Regulation on Keeping Whistleblowers Confidential

Our potential tax whistleblower clients–who call our attorneys about participating in the new IRS Whistleblower Rewards Program–regularly ask before they proceed if the IRS will keep their identities confidential. Across the country, the IRS Special Agents we have been dealing with in representing our tax whistleblower clients (for example, in…


Whistleblower Lawyer Blog Update: Kickback Allegations Lead IBM and PriceWaterhouseCoopers to Settle False Claims Act Liability

One of the many types of fraud and false claims that whistleblowers can report to whistleblower attorneys is unlawful “kickbacks” paid by companies that do business with the federal government. The Justice Department has announced a settlement with IBM and PriceWaterhouseCoopers for more than $5.2 million, to resolve allegations that…


Reverse False Claim Act Case Settlment Announced by Justice Department

The Minerals Management Service of the U. S. Department of Interior is responsible for the collection of royalties on federal and Indian leases. Companies who have such leases are required to report to the Department of Interior the value of natural gas produced (or minerals mined) from federal and Indian…


Whistleblower Lawyer Update: Medicaid Fraud Investigation Into Fraudulent Pharmacy Billings Produces Recovery in Missouri

Medicaid Fraud Recovery Announced by Missouri Attorney General False and fraudulent billings were uncovered in a Missouri Medicaid fraud investigation that has produced a recovery by the Missouri Attorney General’s Office’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit. Billings like this typically violate the False Claims Act or the various state False Claims…


Whistleblower Lawyer Update: Medical Equipment Fraud, Fraudulent Billing by Doctor, and Home Health Care Fraud Highlight Week of Indictments in Health Care Compliance Cases

This past week produced examples of why whistleblowers and their attorneys must continue to insist that false claims and health care fraud not be tolerated. The indictments of Texas medical equipment suppliers–who are alleged to have overbilled Medicare and Medicaid for expensive scooters and chairs while providing cheaper ones –show…


IRS to Scrutinize Derivatives–Do They Allow Offshore Investors to Avoid Withholding Taxes on U.S. Stock Dividends?

IRS Seeks Documents from Citigroup and Lehman Brothers Holdings on Derivatives Now that Congress has created a meaningful IRS Whistleblower Rewards Program, tax whistleblower attorneys took note of yesterday’s report that the IRS is looking into whether derivatives trades for hedge funds and other investors are being used to avoid…


In Case Alleging Fraud Against IRS in Misuse of Tax Shelters by Former KPMG Partners, Judge Dismisses Charges Against 13 Defendants

Most Defendants in KPMG Case Escape Prosecution–At Least For Now As we have written about previously, abusive and fraudulent tax shelters promoted by accounting firms are high on the list of conduct that the IRS (and IRS tax whistleblowers) seek to stop. Today, the government’s prosecution of 13 former KPMG…


IRS Declares That Tax Fraud and Evasion from Back-Dating of Stock Options Is a Top Priority

IRS Tax Whistleblowers with Knowledge of Stock Option Backdating Should Take Note Now that the IRS has an effective IRS Whistleblower Rewards Program for whistleblowers who report tax fraud, tax evasion, or other violations of the Internal Revenue laws, the IRS’ recent announcement of focusing on back-dating of stock options…


False Claims Act Case Against Texas Computer Services Firm Is Settled

Fraud and False Claims by Government Contractor in Dallas Leads to $2.6 Million Settlement with Justice Department The statute most used by whistleblowers and whistleblower attorneys has resulted in yet another recovery of money for false claims. The Justice Department has announced that Affiliated Computer Services, Inc. (ACS) has agreed…

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