Articles Tagged with Personal Injury

As we have blogged about previously, unless a car accident victim suffers minor injuries, it is typically not in their interests to try to get a quick cash settlement. Yes, these can be some temporary financial hardships caused by the delay in securing a settlement, however, patience is the watch word in many of these cases unless the client is in such desperate need for money that they have no choice but to significantly discount the value of their claim in order to get a quick cash settlement. Before this course of action is decided upon, however, clients need to be educated by their attorneys as to the costs involved in trying to get a quick cash settlement.
As we have indicated previously, there is not a car accident case (where liability exists) that cannot be settled quickly provided the client and the attorney are willing to accept far less than the claim is worth. Insurance companies are always willing to settle cases for less than they are worth so that they can save money. Quick cash settlements, therefore, are always typically available in car accident cases with insurance companies all to eager to save money on their policy and pay far less than the claim is worth. The innocent victim who is incurring medical expenses and sustaining lost wages not to mention suffering from their pain on a daily basis, has a hard time understanding the need for patience. The difficulty attendant to being patient is completely understandable but, again, unless a claim is a minor claim the client should usually be advised by counsel that they should be patient in trying to secure a settlement.
In any significant case, a case of established liability can be settled for 20, 30 or 40 cents on the dollar at most any given point in time. However, if an injury is indeed significant and will likely cause the client pain and suffering and difficulties well into the future, why should the case be discounted in its value and a quick cash settlement secured?

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Here in Atlanta we have had an extended break from work due to icy road conditions. Most of our lawyers have not been able to get into work so we have been watching some television during the day. What is fascinating is the number of lawyer ads on television particularly pitching for personal injury cases. What is troubling, however, is the pitch that many of the law firms promised to get “quick cash settlements” for car accident victims.
Our experience has indicated that only in small cases are quick cash settlements typically in the best interest of a client. If the injuries are small and the medical expenses are finite and medical treatment is terminated shortly after an accident, there is no problem with a quick settlement. However, in any case involving serious or more permanent injuries, it is rarely in the client’s interest to seek a quick cash settlement. The reason is because the value of the claim cannot be assessed until the client has reached maximum medical improvement and all medical bills, lost wages and other expenses attendant to the car accident have been evaluated.
There is not a file in our office that we could not settle quickly, but in order to do so we would have to essentially give the case away. Insurance companies are always willing to settle quickly, particularly if they can pay far less than the value of a claim. The way a client gets the full value for their claim in settlement is for their lawyer to aggressively prove its value through deposition testimony, expert testimony, videotaped medical testimony, life care plans, etc. By proving to defense counsel hired by the insurance company that the client’s claim is worth a significant amount of money, a greater settlement can be achieved for the client. The problem, however, is that it takes time to demonstrate such value and therefore a client with a real case with real injures must be patient.

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We are often called by clients who have traveled through the Atlanta area only to be the unfortunate victim of a third party’s negligence. Calls usually come from those in car accidents or tractor-trailer collisions. Sometimes a slip and fall is involved or a defective product. These innocent persons sometimes are hospitalized following the incident in Georgia and then sent back to their home states for follow up treatment. When they reach out to an attorney the usually are being overwhelmed with medical bills, lost wages and similar issues. They often do not fully understand which law controls their case. The answer is fairly simple for most all states in this country. The law where the injury and accident occurred typically will control the claim.

Even if a traveler is coming from California to Georgia, as an example, and is injured in Georgia, once they return to California, the claim is still governed under Georgia law. Almost all states agree that the law of the place where the tort occurred should control the claim. Thus, the California resident typically will have no choice but to hire a Georgia lawyer since their claim will be covered under Georgia law. While there are a few exceptions to this rule (typically in cases where public policy issues are involved) innocent victims from other states who are injured while traveling should understand that their claims will almost always be governed by the law of the place where their injuries occurred and where the accident happened.

In any case where an out-of-state victim is involved, obviously, it will be imperative that such a client locate the right attorney for their case. A good place to start is the American Bar Association or American Bar Association approved referral services such as Attorney Search Network. These ABA approved agencies can assist clients traveling out-of-state in locating lawyers in the state where their injuries occurred so that they can receive competent representation.

It is not unusual for our firm to be contacted by family members who are bereaved over the death of a close family relative. Oftentimes the individual is killed through the negligence of a third party and the family member simply wants to understand the law that pertains to the claim. Sometimes, however, family members can get in an argument among themselves as to who has the right to pursue the claim for the wrongful death. While Georgia, like many states, has a statutory scheme which sets forth who has the right to bring such a claim, many lay people do not seem to understand that a wrongful death claim belongs to the heirs-at-law, at least here in Georgia.
If a brother should contact counsel seeking representation in a wrongful death case concerning the death of another brother, typically the lawyer will advise the bereaved brother that they have no such claim. In a case where the individual is unmarried and if their parents are alive, the parents have the claim. If the individual who is killed is married, the spouse has the claim. If the individual who is killed has no spouse but has children, the children would have the claim. If there is no relative, then under those limited circumstances, the victim’s estate would have the claim. It is only when there are no other heirs-at-law that someone like a brother, sister, cousin or other more distant relative might potentially be able to represent the estate in such a case. Here again, however, if the relative is appointed as representative of the estate, it will be their duty, if there is a recovery in such a case, to distribute the proceeds received from any settlement or judgment according to the law’s requirements for estates generally. Typically this follows the line of succession and depending upon the particulars involved, may or may not result in ond relative receiving the lion’s share of the proceeds as opposed to other living relatives.
In any case involving a wrongful death, experienced counsel should be consulted so that the identification of the proper claimant can be discussed early on in the case. Those relatives who would seek to retain counsel where they have no legal rights to do so typically will be unsuccessful as most lawyers are well aware of the law in this area. However, sometimes inexperienced lawyers will take claims where family members really have no claim to begin with. Because a wrongful death case is usually a very serious matter, it is all the more important that experienced counsel be retained to represent the interest of the appropriate heirs-at-law.

In any serious injury case involving permanent or lifetime injuries, careful consideration should be given to whether a structured settlement should be part of any settlement of such a case. A structured settlement agreement is a device whereby if the overall lump sum amount can be agreed upon, a certain percentage of it can be set aside and invested in an annuity that will pay benefits over the victim’s lifetime, usually on a monthly basis. Such benefits are extremely important for people who are disabled because it provides them a safety net and allows them to pay rent and other necessary living expenses as they grow older. Particularly in those cases where a victim is incapacitated and unable to work, a structured settlement agreement can provide a lifetime of revenue for necessary living expenses.
One of the main advantages of a structured settlement agreement is that the benefits are not taxable. As an example, if someone were to settle a personal injury case for $500,000.00 and allocate $200,000.00 for a structured settlement annuity, any benefits generated from the structured settlement annuity would be non-taxable. However, if the settling individual were to receive the entire amount in cash and then invested a portion of the money and made the same monthly interest, taxes would have to be paid on the interest earned, assuming that there was enough income otherwise generated to be subject to taxation.

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In a serious injury case the victim is usually overwhelmed with medical expenses, lost wages, terrible pain and suffering, and a total disruption in their personal, family and home life. If they are fortunate enough to have good counsel and they are fortunate enough to get a good settlement from the third party responsible for inflicting the injuries upon them, it will not be uncommon for such a victim to have to deal with a host of medical lien issues. The most common medical liens are Hospital liens whereby the hospital that provides the medical services obtains a lien on any settlement. If the victim does not have adequate health insurance or otherwise cannot pay the hospital bill, the bill will have to be paid out of the insurance proceeds. Sometimes if the party inflicting the injury has limited insurance coverage, the lien amount can swallow the entire settlement amount thus leaving the victim with nothing. Accordingly, if there is a hospital lien or other valid medical lien (doctors in Georgia can file medical liens for their bills as well) the victim in such a case should confer with experienced counsel to determine the best course of action.
In many cases where there are limited insurance benefits, counsel can work out a settlement with counsel for the hospital and the insurance carrier to work out some kind of pro-rata agreed split of the funds. If such agreements cannot be worked out and litigation ensues under Georgia law the hospital lien will typically take priority even over the victim’s personal injury pain and suffering claim. While this may be unjust, nonetheless, it typically the hospital lien takes priority over all other claims. Again, for these and other reasons it is vital that the victim of a personal injury serious injury case confer with experienced counsel to make sure that their rights are protected.

More than 20% of patients who received an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator — a high-tech device that produces electrical impulses to regulate heartbeats and prevent life-threatening arrhythmias — in recent years were not good candidates to receive the device, a new study suggests.

Researchers at Duke University looked at more than 111,000 patients who received ICD implants between 2006 and 2009. More than 25,000 of those patients did not meet evidence-based criteria for receiving the device, according to the study.

The risk of dying in the hospital was significantly higher for patients who received the ICD but did not meet the criteria, and 1 out of 121 patients in this category experienced complications following the implant, the study found.

The Food and Drug Administration is also concerned that hospital, med-center and emergency patients may be given the higher dose, as correctly labeled outer packaging is generally discarded.

Health care providers seeing only the mislabeled bottle would be very likely to give the wrong dose, especially since the two solution strengths are distilled in equal sized bottles. The .05 mg/3 ml bottles look just like the 2.5 mg./ 3 ml bottles. Only the strength differs.

Albuterol Sulfate Inhalation is sold in single use dosage bottles, in 25, 30 and 60 count unit dose packages. Recalled Albuterol was sold nationwide in the United States and in Puerto Rico.

In car accidents, tractor-trailer accidents, medical malpractice or other serious injury cases, in the event a settlement is reached, there is always the possibility of a subrogation claim being asserted by a third party against the settlement proceeds. Subrogation claims are usually claims held by insurance carriers that have paid medical benefits. The victim who was injured by the negligent truck driver, for example, may have incurred hundreds of thousands in medical bills for expensive surgery. If a third party health insurance carrier pays these bills, the health insurance company will seek to get its money back out of any settlement fund. The victim wants the money for him or herself because they will need it for their lifetime due to the severity of their injuries. Moreover, the reason that they are entitled to the compensation because they are the ones that have experienced the pain and suffering and have had to go through the horrible ordeal of being so seriously injured. On the other hand, the healthcare provider contends that it is entitled to its portion of the money because it paid the money usually under a contract that may contain a right of reimbursement or an alleged right of subrogation.
In Georgia there is a “made whole” doctrine which basically states that unless the victim of a personal injury claim has been made whole for all of their economic and non-economic damages, there is no valid claim of subrogation by a third party health insurance carrier. This general rule is subject to multiple exceptions including cases where the alleged subrogation claimant is a federal ERISA plan which is self-funded. In cases where companies provide for ERISA self-funded insurance plans for their employees, there may be a valid lien under federal law for such a plan’s subrogation interests. Again, all of these cases are factually specific and it is necessary that any victim in such a case confer with experienced counsel. While every case is different, in virtually any serious injury or personal injury case, subrogation is something that will have to be considered by the victim and their counsel if and when a case is settled.

Each year, according to the most recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates, 48 million people, that is one in six Americans, are sickened by food-borne illnesses. Of those, 180,000 are hospitalized and 3,000 die.

The first major overhaul of the nation’s food-safety infrastructure since 1938 was signed into law yesterday by President Obama.

The Food Safety Modernization Act moves the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) away from its early-20th-century role of responding to adulterated food to a more modern one of requiring companies to stop contamination before it happens by looking for the places where things can go wrong and fixing them.

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