Articles Tagged with medical malpractice

When faced with the aftermath of a medical malpractice incident, navigating the legal landscape can be both complex and overwhelming. 

Engaging with malpractice lawyers is a crucial step toward seeking justice and compensation for the damages suffered. 

If you’re based in Atlanta, GA, and find yourself in need of legal representation, understanding what to expect when working with malpractice lawyers Atlanta, GA, can help ease the process and set clear expectations. 

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Understanding the intricacies of damages is crucial in legal battles concerning medical malpractice. 

These cases involve compensation for various losses incurred by the plaintiff due to negligent medical care. 

Contrary to popular belief, the scope of damages in a medical malpractice case is not vastly different from those in typical personal injury cases. 

Time is a pivotal factor in legal proceedings, especially when dealing with medical malpractice cases in Georgia. 

These cases come with stringent limitations and exceptions, shaping the window of opportunity for seeking justice. 

Understanding the intricacies of these limitations is crucial, as they significantly impact the ability to pursue a case successfully.

Medical procedures are an integral part of healthcare, providing patients with treatments and interventions that can save lives and improve their quality of life.

However, the healthcare industry is not immune to errors, and medical procedure errors can have serious consequences.

In this article, we will delve into the topic of medical procedure errors, exploring their causes, prevention strategies, and the legal implications that healthcare professionals may face when such errors occur.

Prior the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to successfully bring a medical malpractice claim in Georgia, a plaintiff was required to offer expert medical testimony to the effect that the defendant physician or healthcare provider failed to exercise that degree of care and skill which would ordinarily have been employed by the medical profession generally under the circumstances.  See Boling v. Foster, 254 Ga. App. 374 (2002).  The legal duty owed by medical professionals was to exercise “a reasonable degree of care and skill.”  See O.C.G.A. § 51-1-27.  This is the standard that applied in the vast majority of medical malpractice cases.  A narrow exception existed for the provision of emergency medical care in a hospital emergency department or obstetrical department, where it is necessary to prove by “clear and convincing evidence” that the physician or healthcare provider’s actions showed “gross negligence.”  See O.C.G.A. § 51-1-29.5(c).

This threshold for proving liability in Georgia medical malpractice cases changed with Governor Kemp’s Executive Order entered April 14, 2020 concerning the Covid-19 crisis.  Executive Order, limits liability for any harm done by the employees, staff, and contractors of healthcare institutions and medical facilities  during the “Public Health State of Emergency” as to negligence, but not gross negligence, regardless of whether such service is related to the Public Health State of Emergency.  “Gross negligence” is the absence of even slight diligence, and slight diligence is defined as “that degree of care which every man of common sense, however inattentive he may be, exercises under the same or similar circumstances.”  Gliemmo v. Cousineau, 287 Ga. 7 (2010).  The Executive Order applies to all clinics, hospitals, nursing & assisted living facilities, as well as ambulatory surgical centers.

The Executive Order further provides that “The employees, staff, and contractors of healthcare institutions and medical facilities shall be considered auxiliary emergency management workers pursuant to Code Section 38-3-35.”  O.C.G.A. § 38-3-35(b) provides that auxiliary emergency management workers are immune from liability for harm, including death, sustained by persons as a result of “emergency management activity”, unless such emergency activity causing the harm was due to willful misconduct, gross negligence, or bad faith.  O.C.G.A. § 38-3-3(2) defines “emergency management” broadly, as “the preparation for the carrying out of all emergency functions … to prevent, minimize, and repair injury and damage resulting from emergencies … These functions include, without limitation … emergency medical services … together with all other activities necessary or incidental to the preparation for and carrying out of the foregoing functions.”  This means that “auxiliary emergency management workers” are immune from liability even if they acted negligently in providing medical care to a patient in Georgia.  Instead, in order to recover a plaintiff must prove that the medical care provided constituted gross negligence.

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