Beginning today, several new Georgia laws intended to reduce automobile accidents, tractor trailer truck accidents and motorcycle accidents go into effect. One of these is the Texting While Driving law. Georgia drivers under the age of 18 will be charged if they talk or text on a cell phone while driving. Under this new law, all drivers, regardless of age will be charged if they write, send or read a text message, email or access the Internet while driving. If found guilty a motorist will be fined $150.00 and will be assessed 1 point on his or her driving record.
Another new Georgia law, the Pickup Truck Safety Belt law, requires both drivers and passengers of pickups to buckle up except for certain farming restrictions. Georgia injury lawyers know that many victims of automobile accidents and trucking accidents would not have sustained serious injuries if they had been wearing a seat belt at the time of the collision. Unfortunately many deaths have resulted from the failure to buckle up. Years ago Georgia passed legislation requiring seat belt use for occupants of automobiles and vans; however, pickup trucks were exempted. For many years, legislation requiring pickup truck seat belt use was defeated by pressure brought to bear from legislators who represented rural constituents.
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