On our blog, we have written numerous articles about the dangers associated with high speed police chases. Our firm has handled numerous wrongful death and serious injury cases arising out of these very dangerous pursuits.
By and large the public does not appreciate just how dangerous police chases are. Indeed, more people are killed each year from police chases than are killed as a result of police firearm incidents. Over the last ten (10) years more people have died in police chases than were killed in 9/11. Over the last ten (10) years, the number of those killed an injured as a result of police chases approximate the number of those killed and injured in the Iraqi war.
And yet, one of the reasons that this problem is unappreciated by the public-at-large is the random nature of these events. One police chase occurs in one rural area in one state and someone is killed or injured and there may be some local publicity attendent to that event but it is not connected to another incident of an almost identical nature that occurs across the country in another state and another locale. And yet, national statistics bear out that approximately 500 people each year are killed and thousands and thousands of others are injured as a result of these very dangerous police practices.