A few days ago, we wrote an article about the importance of uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage in those situations where the at fault party has minimum limits of liability insurance coverage. Today we write about another reason why all Georgia motorists should consider carrying uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage in amounts at least as much as their liability insurance coverage and perhaps much more.
The distinction between liability coverage and uninsured motorist coverage is the fact that liability coverage protects the person you hit whereas uninsured motorist coverage protects you when you are involved in an accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver. In a hit and run accident where John Doe’s identity does not later become known and the innocent victim of the accident is left with medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering and other expenses, typically, the only possible avenue for recovery is through one’s uninsured motorist coverage. If one has been prudent enough to buy a significant of uninsured motorist coverage, then in the event they are seriously injured, compensation can still be obtained via one’s own insurance policy. This results without any increase in premiums under one’s own policy because it is against the law for an insurance company to raise the premiums on a policyholder if they file a claim for an accident that is not their fault. Obviously, in a hit and run situation the accident is not the fault of the policyholder and therefore if the policyholder was prudent enough to purchase uninsured motorist coverage, there will at least be some recovery for the actions of the John Doe hit and run driver.
We recommend to all our clients, as well as all Georgia motorists. that they seriously consider purchasing additional uninsured motorist coverage to protect their personal interests in the event they become involved in an automobile collision, tractor-trailer accident or other unfortunate situation whereby they have to rely on their own resources, as opposed to the at fault driver, to protect their interests. As we stated previously, “it is better have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.”
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