
Personal Injury


Drug Maker May Enter Record Settlement With Government

Eli Lilly, the drug company, according to a report in the New York times, is expected to agree as soon as Thursday to pay $1.4 billion to settle criminal and civil charges that it illegally marketed its antipsychotic drug Zyprexa for unauthorized use in patients particularly vulnerable to its risky…


Georgia Illnesses Linked To Salmonella in Peanut Butter

Our Atlanta lawyers have had experience in bringing actions based upon foodborne illnesses such a salmonella. The salmonella outbreak across the nation has been potentially traced to peanut butter. A recall has been issued for peanut butter distributed by King Nut Companies of Solon, Ohio. The peanut butter was supplied…


Salmonella Outbreak in Georgia

Our lawyers receive numerous calls concernig foodborne illnesses, particularly those contracted in restuarants. Now, Georgia is among the 42 states that have been struck with a salmonella outbreak, with five people taken ill and one requiring hospitalization, according to officials from the state Division of Public Health. The ages of…


Defective Medical Devices Protected By Regulators

Dangerous and defective medical devices pose a real and present danger to patients everyday in the Atlanta area and across the Unites States. In many cases the results are debilitating injuries or death. Recently, the United States Supreme Court, at the urging of the Bush administration, provided cover to the…


Aviation Accident Lawsuit Over Another Preventable Airplane Crash

Last week we told the story of a recurring tragedy–a preventable aviation accident that took the lives of all on board–in a wrongful death lawsuit we filed last week. The story of this airplane crash is yet another disturbing example of how lives are lost when basic safety–and common sense–are…


Defective Fans Subject of Fine By USCPSC

Portable fans have been overheating and causing fires. Now, a company which manufactures these dangerous products will pay a $500,000 fine for not quickly reporting these problems. Lasko Products received 42 related complaints involving nine injuries and property damage from 2002 through 2005 as a result of malfunctions in portable…


Georgia and National Car Wreck Fatalities Involving Alcohol Impaired Young Drivers

It seems that almost everyday there is a news story in the Atlanta and Georgia media involving the tragic death of a young person in a traffic accident. Many times alcohol is involved. Fatal car wrecks involving alcohol impaired young drivers are a major concern, especially around the Christmas and…


Credit Card Rules Protect Consumers

Consumers have received long overdue protections from abusive practices by credit card issuers . In enacting the most sweeping changes to credit cards in decades, federal regulators on Thursday approved new rules to crack down on unfair and deceptive practices by card issuers. The rules were issued by the Office…


Construction Accident Lawyer’s Approach to Atlanta Botanical Garden’s Bridge Collapse

The tragedy of preventable construction accidents was repeated last week at the Atlanta Botanical Garden, a beautiful area near my home enjoyed by young and old alike. News reports have described the horror of one dead, and eighteen injured, many of them critically. In our experience from having handled contruction…


Nursing Home Quality Ratings

Abuse of elderly and disabled persons is one of the most disturbing matters our Atlanta based attorneys see. A report issued last Thursday by the Centers for Medicare and Services has revealed that almost 22 percent of the nation’s nearly 16,000 nursing homes received the federal government’s lowest rating in…

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