
Remington Rifles Have Serious Defect

According to a recent CNBC report, Remington Model 700 rifles have a serious and deadly defect, that can cause the rifles to fire without pulling the trigger.
The danger is caused by a defective component in the trigger mechanism called the trigger connector. The system is known as the Walker Fire Control System and Remington is the only gun manufacturer which incorporates it in firearms.
The report revealed that the defect with the trigger connector is that is not bound to the actual trigger. As a result, when the trigger is pulled and the gun is fired, a gap is created between the trigger body and the connector. Dirt, debris, dried lubricant and other material then can become lodged in this gap, preventing the trigger connector from returning to a secure and reliable position after the gun is fired. This can cause a malfunction which can lead to a discharge when the trigger is not pulled.
Internal company documents revealed that Remington has known about the defective conditions since at least since 1979.
The company even created a Product Safety Subcommittee to evaluate the M700 and consumer complaints it had received. Remington made a decision not to recall the rifle because the defect was estimated only to affect 1 percent of the two million M700s that had been sold.
All center fire manufactured by Remington since March of 1948, with the exception of the Model 788, have the same design and are all susceptible to malfunction.
Despite its knowledge of the defect, Remington did not stop using the Walker Fire Control System in its bolt action rifles until 2007.
Unlike other consumer products, firearms are not subject to safety regulations. Firearms manufacturers have the option to voluntary issue recalls but cannot be forced to do so by governmental agencies.
Unfortunately, some manufacturers let their financial interests override the safety of firearm users. The conduct of Remington as disclosed by the report appears to be an example of this outrageous corporate behavior.

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