Negligent filing of prescriptions has been on the rise. In fact, because of a shortage of pharmacists and the steady increase in the use of prescription medications, the rate of death and injury from botched prescriptions is skyrocketing, officials say.
There are as many as 7,000 deaths annually in the United States from incorrect prescriptions, according to Carmen Catizone of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy. He told The Washington Post that as many as 5 percent of the 3 billion prescriptions filled each year are incorrect.
Recently there was a settlement and verdict in Georgia for a man who took a fatal dose of the chemotherapy drug Lomustine. Family members, on behalf of his estate, sued an oncologist and his practice, alleging that the defendants negligently authorized the pharmacy to fill the Lomustine prescription with 20, as opposed to 2, pills which was contrary to the manufacturer’s instructions. The suit also alleged the pharmacy was negligent in filing the prescription.
It’s not always possible or easy for consumers to protect themselves against such errors, but there are steps you can take:
1. Read the prescription your doctor gives you aloud. Ask the physician to confirm it.
2. Verify the dosages and drug names with your doctor.
3. Before going to the pharmacy, write down the dosage and drug names.
4. Go to a reputable pharmacy, one that has more than a single pharmacist working with clerk and technician helpers. You can contact your state pharmacy board for information. Some will tell you if a pharmacist has been disciplined in the past.
5. When you pick up the prescription, check the labels and make sure the dosages and drug names match what you have written down.