Rule No. 10 of 12: The successful cross-examiner knows how to force an evasive witness to give a responsive answer. When a hostile or evasive witness refuses to answer a question, counsel must be firm and persistent in getting the answer desired. The first thing to do is to repeat…
Trial Attorney Blog
Trial Techniques – The Art of Cross-Examination – Part XIII
Rule No. 9 of 12: The successful cross-examiner has a good beginning and good ending to the cross-examination of the witness. If counsel is prepared through proper investigation and discovery, counsel can start off strong and end strong. A good beginning gets the cross-examination rolling and prepared ending gets counsel…
Bus Accidents Continue to Kill and Injure
Bus accidents were the subject of action taken by The National Transportation Safety Board this week. The NTSB is the federal agency charged with investigating major transportation accidents. On Tuesday, it strongly criticized regulators at the Department of Transportation for lax oversight of the commercial bus industry. The NTSB voted…
Trial Techniques – The Art of Cross-Examination – Part XII
Rule No. 8 of 12: The successful cross-examiner listens carefully to what the witness says in response to his questions on cross-examination. As set forth above, counsel should know what a witness will say in response to each question posed. No question should be asked that the answer is not…
Caps on Damages For Nursing Home Abuse – What Are They Thinking?
In addition to representing victims of trucking accidents and automobile accidents, the Georgia injury lawyers at Finch McCranie, LLP also represent victims of nursing home abuse and nursing home neglect. including patients who have sustained decubitus ulcers (bed sores), falls and brutality in nursing homes. Consequently we have seen, first-hand,…
Trial Techniques – The Art of Cross-Examination – Part XI
Rule No. 7 of 12: The successful cross-examiner listens to the witness’s direct testimony. When a witness is called by the other side to testify against one’s client, one must be very careful to listen to that witness. Even if counsel has had the benefit of taking the deposition of…
Trial Techniques – The Art of Cross-Examination – Part X
Rule No. 6 of 12: The successful cross-examiner stays calm and collected whatever happens. During the testimony of a witness, particularly where the witness is providing very damaging testimony, counsel cannot flinch or otherwise demonstrate through body language that his client’s case has been hurt. Counsel must always stay calm…
The Georgia injury lawyers have written before that with the growing popularity of ATV’s or All-Terrain Vehicles, serious injury and death cases are on the increase in Georgia, especially among children. Yesterday, we read about a 12-year-old Alto, Georgia girl who was killed last Friday night about 8:30 p.m. in…
Trial Techniques – The Art of Cross-Examination – Part IX
Rule No. 5 of 12: The successful cross-examiner never asks an open-ended question such as “why” unless it does not care what the answer is. In discussing rule 4 above, we gave a good example of why you do not ask open-ended questions. If you ask a witness “why?” they…
Dangerous Magnetic Toy Manufacturer Fined
We have previously written about dangerous toys containing magnets which can be swallowed by small children. Last week, toy manufacturer Mega Brands America Inc. consented to pay a $1.1 million civil penalty for failing to promptly report promptly dangerous magnetic building sets which it manufactured. The sets have been blamed…