A Springfield Georgia automobile accident resulted in the wrongful death of a 17 year old Springfield teenager, Whitney Newman, in the early morning hours last Sunday morning. According to the Savannah Morning News, the teen was a backseat passenger in a Chevrolet Tracker which lost control and flipped over several…
Trial Attorney Blog
The Federal Tort Claims Act: Attorney’s Fees And Costs
One of the realities of the Federal Tort Claims Act is that the fees for counsel are limited. If the case is settled pre-suit, the fees are limited to twenty percent (20%). If the case goes to trial before the District Court by way of a bench trial, the fees…
Georgia Patients Denied Recovery For Medical Malpractice
Georgia medical malpractice cases have become increasingly difficult to bring as the legislature enacts more and more restrictive laws. A fact which many do not know is that patients injured by highly negligent actions in Georgia emergency departments have no right of recovery. This is due legislation which established a…
The Summer Motorcycle Season Has Begun In Georgia
Anyone who spends time in the mountains of Georgia or North Carolina knows that the summer motorcycle season is here. It is time for many of us to hit the open road once again. Before you do, we suggest you review some important safety tips, that may help keep you…
The Federal Tort Claims Act: Determining The Law Of Liability
When a claim is asserted against the United States government, the claim is based on the alleged liability of the United States in accordance with the law of the place where the negligent act or omission occurred. As an example, if a postal truck runs over someone in the State…
Motorcycle Accident Result in Serious Injuries
The motorcycle accident lawyers at Finch McCranie, LLP have represented many motorcycle riders over the years who have been seriously injured in collisions involving automobiles. A few months ago we settled a case where our client sustained very serious injuries to his leg and foot when his motorcycle was hit…
Serious Burn Injuries In Georgia
Georgia injury lawyers know that accidents involving serious burn injuries are more common than one might think. The American Burn Association estimates that 1.1 million significant burn injuries occur every year in the United States. Most commonly, burns are caused by: automobile accidents, gas and other flammable liquid fuel explosions,…
The Federal Tort Claims Act: Where To File And Who To Sue
Assuming an administrative claim is properly submitted and is denied and a lawsuit is thereafter commenced, the lawsuit must be filed in United States District Court, not in a state court. One advantage of proceeding under the Federal Tort Claims Act is that such a suit can be brought in…
Dog Bite Cases In Georgia
Georgia injury lawyers see numerous dog bite cases every year. More than 4.7 million people in the United States are bitten by dogs every year. Nearly one out of every six bites are serious enough to require medical attention. Georgia’s “Dog Bite Statute,” provides, in part: “A person who owns…
The Federal Tort Claims Act: No Right To A Jury Trial
Under the specific provisions of the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) there is no right to a jury trial. See 28 U.S.C. § 2492. This is one of the disadvantages of suing the United States government but because the FTCA is a limited waiver of sovereign immunity, the provisions of…