On the way to work today I saw an automobile accident that had just occurred. A lady had been rear-ended by an automobile on the interstate highway. The cars were very badly damaged and it was clear that one of the drivers was injured. The ambulances had not yet arrived.
As I drove by the accident scene, I thought to myself, “I wonder how this unfortunate lady will find a competent Georgia automobile accident attorney to represent her interests effectively, competently, honestly, ethically and professionally?” Like any other choice a consumer must make involving an important personal matter, consumers must beware of who they hire to represent their interests in these cases. Not all lawyers are created equally nor do they have the same professional abilities. While there are many that advertise their services to the pubic, the public should investigate the background of any attorney to make sure that they are the proper attorney to handle their case.
Lawyers are no different from doctors. While there are many surgeons out there, not all surgeons are equally adept at certain surgical procedures. Some have a better reputation than others, some have greater experience than others, some have a better educational pedigree and background which qualify them for more sophisticated forms of surgery. In a automobile accident case where the person is not seriously injured, the differences in skill and competency may not matter. However, in a case involving serious injuries, lost wages and the possibility of a permanent disability, the greater the skill level of the attorney, the more likely it is that the client will receive competent representation.
When a client is looking for an attorney to handle their automobile accident case, like the lady who was involved in the accident witnessed this morning, the client should review the attorney’s educational background at a minimum. Where did they go to college? Where did they attend law school? How long have they been practicing law? What is their practice’s emphasis? Is the attorney active in professional organizations and/or otherwise active in the Bar? Has the attorney or their firm published articles in the field? Has the attorney been asked to speak at seminars on various topics pertaining to serious automobile collisions? Has the attorney tried many cases before a jury or does the attorney have at track record of settling everything and trying nothing?
The attorneys at Finch McCranie have handled hundreds upon hundreds of serious automobile accident cases over the years involving wrongful death, paralysis, amputation, neck, back, leg, internal and brain injuries. Having handled many hundreds of cases over the years, our attorneys have extensive experience in dealing with serious automobile accident cases. Our attorneys have been asked to speak at seminars helping to educate other lawyers in the field. Our attorneys have published articles in the area and have tried many cases to verdict involving wrongful death and serious injury. In short, the attorneys at Finch McCranie possess the qualifications one would need and desire for someone in need of competent and professional legal services. While there are other good attorneys throughout the state that possess similar qualifications, regrettably, there are many attorneys who advertise such services but never go to court, or rarely, have not published in the field nor spoken at seminars, possess little or no experience in dealing with sophisticated complex cases, and yet will still take such a case. Because lawyers possess different skill sets based on their experience, qualifications and background, a potential client looking for a good lawyer to handle a serious automobile case should investigate their lawyer’s background and qualifications before retaining their services.