Many of us who have handled serious personal injury cases, including those involving brain injury have seen MRI’s performed using various contrast agents for years. One of those agents does not appear to be as safe as once thought. Gadolinium, or gadodiamide, is a contrast agent which allows an MRI…
Personal Injury & Wrongful Death
Avandia – A Dangerous Diabetes Drug
Avandia was approved by the FDA in May 1999 for use in improving control of blood sugar levels in Type 2 diabetics. Since its approval, Avandia, which is manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline, has been used by more than seven million people worldwide and is, today, being used by over one million…
Defective Hernia Repair Mesh Patch Recalled
The Composix® Kugel Mesh Patch is used to repair inguinal, ventral and laparoscopic hernias. The purpose of the patch is to keep the intestines in the abdominal cavity. The patch is typically placed behind the hernia defect by means of an incision. The patch is then held open by a…
Serious Injury Settlements–Are They Taxable?
Many people we have represented in serious personal injury cases whether they workplace accidents, trucking accidents, automobile accidents or dangerous products have asked whether settlement proceeds or payments made to an injured party as aresult of a jury verdict are taxable. The general rule is that those payments are not…
If You Are Injured In A Motor Vehicle Collision – Do’s and Don’ts
In Georgia, the driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury to or death of any person or property damage to an apparent extent of $500.00 or more shall immediately, by the quickest means of communication, give notice of such accident to the local police department if…
Report Underscores Dangers of Medicines
A recent study reported in the Archives of Internal Medicine has concluded that reports to the Food and Drug Administration of dangerous side effects and deaths from widely used medicines almost tripled between 1998 and 2005. The number of deaths and serious injuries from prescription and over-the-counter drugs climbed from…
Closed Head Injuries and Brain Damage
Any trial lawyer who has ever handled a closed head injury case knows that brain damage can occur even if there is no direct blow to the head. Quite literally, the brain is like a bowl of Jell-O. If the head is shaken, the brain moves within the skull and…
Consumer Drugs and Serious Injuries: A Growing Problem
According to an article that appeared in the U. S. News and World Report on September 10, 2007, the number of serious “adverse” drug events more than doubled between 1998 and 2005 in the United States as did a number of related deaths. Adverse event reports are filed when a…
Side Crash Protection To Be Standard In Cars
Our lawyers frequently review cases in which cars sustain side impacts which result in serious injury and death. Beginning in the 2013 model-year all new passenger vehicles will be required to provide head protection for side crashes. New regulations, announced by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, are designed to…
Codeine Can Be Fatal to Breast-Feeding Infants
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) adverse event and reporting program has issued a warning that medications containing codeine given to breast-feeding mothers who rapidly metabolize codeine into morphine may cause adverse effects in their infants. Codeine is generally considered safe for use in nursing mothers; however, last year,…